Sourcing Artwork
Clifton Gallery can help you source specific artworks or works by your favoured artist(s) and we love to locate special pieces for your collection. We call upon our contacts and collectors to secure pieces and like to make the impossible possible.
Furnishing Your Property
Clifton Gallery can also work with you to furnish the walls of your home, a property project, office, hotel or retail space - or any other space you may have - to match artwork with your vision and design. Whether it is finding the right artwork from emerging or established artists, or local artists to your project, we take the effort out of finding artwork and inject our fun and professionalism into curating coherent spaces across a variety of budgets, spaces and locations.
Building Your Art Collection
We can help you build your collection in a way that suits you over time, whether it is focussing on a particular style, period or artist, drawing on our gallery stock and extensive contacts.
Sell Your Artwork
We are happy to discuss acquiring artwork from you. We also offer a discreet and tailored service if you wish to consign artwork with us.
Please contact us to discuss further: